
2024: Nov 9

Ladies Bible Study

Monthly ladies bible study at 9:30am (Saturday), at the Church
2021: Sept 17

AWANA Will Resume

AWANA youth clubs will resume on Fridays at 7:00pm
2021 : Apr 11

Sunday School Classes Resume

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10am for a bible study from the book of Judges. Taught by Pastor Evan Charles.  
2020: Jan 26

Bible Study on the Book of Leviticus Begins

Join us every Sunday School at 10am for our new bible study on the book of Leviticus.
2020: Jan 23

Midweek Bible Study Will Resume

Midweek bible study will resume on Jan 23 on Thursdays, 7:30pm
2019: Nov 16

5th Annual Turkey Bowl

5th Annual Turkey Bowl followed by a potluck meal and a time of devotion. Sat 10:30am - 3:00pm.
2019 : Oct 18

Pilgrim’s Progress Movie Night

Join us for the Pilgrim's Progress Movie Night on Friday at 7pm
2019 : Sept 15

Parenting Sunday Morning Bible Study Will Begin

Parenting Sunday morning DVD presentation and bible study will begin on Sept 15th at 10am
2019 : apt 5-7

Spring Bible Conference

Join us for the Spring Bible Conference with Dr. Doug Bookman. Meetings on 4/5 and 4/6 are at 6:30pm
2018: Sept 23

Sunday School Class

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10am for a bible study on the topic of Christian Liberty starting on Sept 23. Taught by Pastor Leibieniec
2018 : Aug 8

Men’s Bible Study Ends

Men's bible study will end for the summer.
2018: July 29

Sunday School Class

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10am for a bible study on the book of Jude. Taught by Nathan Swanson.
2018: July 18

Men’s Bible Study

Join us for the summer Men's Bible Study on Wednesday nights. At 7:30pm.

“How delightful on the mountains are the feet of one who brings good news, Who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, Who announces salvation, and says to Zion, Your God reigns!”

Isa 52:7

“But the things which God previously announced by the mouths of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer, He has fulfilled in this way.”

Acts 3:18

“This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

1 John 1:5